List Metrics

From Harmony Lists KB

Revision as of 13:59, 28 February 2023 by Brianemwd (talk | contribs) (Add further detail on messages and bounces metrics)
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While Mailman is a traditional mailing list platform not designed with the sort of tracking provided by dedicated marketing programs, the Affinity web interface does offer some performance metrics.

After logging into your list admin, you will see a "List Metrics" section just below your list's name. The metrics shown are from a rolling 14-day window.


The stats are grouped into three sets - Bounces / Messages, Subscribed / Unsubscribed, and Total Members. Clicking the entries below the chart changes the view.

The messages counter counts both new threads and all replies to existing list threads, and also counts incoming messages that do not pass moderation (either rejected/discarded by default list policy or rejected/discarded by a moderator).

The bounce counter is every bounce for every member for every messages - so if you send one message to 1000 members and five of those members bounce, you would see one message and five bounces tracked in the metrics.

This feature is not intended to provide the sort of detailed insights that software designed for sales or marketing applications might, but it does give a snapshot of recent list performance to give the admins a feel of how busy the list has been recently and monitor recent subscribe, unsubscribe, and bounce activity.