Accept Mail From A Non-Member

From Harmony Lists KB

Revision as of 09:20, 23 December 2020 by Brianemwd (talk | contribs)
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There are times when a list requires posts sent to it from a non-member that is not subscribed to the list. Usually such posts would be moderated by the List Owner or Moderator. However, if the non-member will be posting to the list on a regular basis then it might make more sense to set the moderation action for the non-member to have its posts accepted automatically. Here is how to do that.

  1. Log into the List Owner Board of your list as List Owner.
  2. On the List Member Management panel, click the Non-Members tab.
  3. If the non-member has posted before to the list, then they will show up on this section.
  4. Find the non-member and set Moderation Action to "Accept Immediately (bypass other rules)"

That is it. The non-member now has posting privileges without moderation. If need be, you can always change the moderation action to another setting at any time.