Subscribe List Member
There are multiple ways to subscribe a List Member to your Mailman 3 list. The easiest method is to have the list member email listname-join@listdomain. Another method is to use your List Owner board. This method is preferred if you want to have the new subscriber go through a verification/confirmation process. Here is how to do that:
Log into the List Owner Board of your list as List Owner. On the List Member Management panel, search for the email address that is to be removed in the Search members search box and click enter. When the email address shows up in the Member column, click the mini-menu (3 dots) at the end of the row and select the Unsubscribe menu item.
That is it. The list member is subscribed from your Mailman 3 list. If you need further assistance with our subscription process then please open up a support ticket via your client area to request assistance.