Knowledge Base Articles

From Harmony Lists KB

Revision as of 15:53, 17 February 2021 by Brianemwd (talk | contribs)

This section will have documentation on addressing more of the frequently asked questions that we have received regarding the use of Affinity and Empathy.

Avoiding Spam Filters And Spam Folders

Bounce Processing

DMARC And Mailman

Headers And Footers

How Do I Make My List Private

How Can I Mass Subscribe A List With Real Names?

How Do I Import Members Into A Mailman 3 List?

How Do I Unsubscribe From A List?

How Do I Make A One-Way (Announcement Only) List?

How Do I Make A Backup Of My List Members?

How Do I Order An Additional Mailman List To My Existing Service?

Mailman 3: Best Practices

List Not Receiving Messages?

What Does "Message Has Implicit Destination" Mean?

What Does "Too Many Recipients To The Message" Mean?

Uncaught Bounce Notifications

Why Do I Suddenly See A Large Amount Of Bounces On My Mailman List?

Why Do Footers Appear As Attachments For Some Recipients?