Messages Held For Moderation

From Harmony Lists KB

By default, a list will accept messages from members without requiring moderation after first running a few checks. These settings are discussed in another knowledgebase article. There are a few circumstances where messages are held for moderation and further action is required.

  1. The list default or a specific member's settings are Hold for Moderation rather than Accept or Default Processing.
  2. The message is from a non-member, and the default for non-members is Hold for Moderation rather than Reject or Discard.
  3. Some of the message checks failed - this most commonly occurs when a message has too many recipients.

Messages that are held for moderation, regardless of reason, appear in the same segment of the list admin UI.


From here, you can see the reason the message was held. There are options to Accept, Reject, or Discard the message outright, as well as View Message to see the body and headers.


The UI for viewing the message has sections for text and HTML versions of the message body, as well as the raw message headers as shown above. The moderator then has the same options to Accept. Reject, or Discard the message (with a message to the sender if desired). Cancel will exit the message view without taking any action on the message itself.